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Week 3


  • Understanding the importance of OAuth authentication mechanism integration in Keycloak that facilates the authentication flow of the Sunbird-Lern platform
  • Exploration of alternative libraries (other than Apache Shiro and Keycloak) that facilates the seamless OAuth-Mechanism


  • OAuth authentication integration in Keycloak plays a vital role in enabling a seamless and secure authentication flow for the Sunbird-Lern platform. By incorporating OAuth, Keycloak serves as the robust authorization framework that efficiently manages user access to protected resources without the need for sharing sensitive login credentials. This integration ensures a reliable and delegated mechanism for third-party applications to access user data on the platform, while maintaining a high level of security. Consequently, users can grant specific permissions to external applications, safeguarding their confidential information throughout the authentication process. The utilization of OAuth within Keycloak demonstrates a sophisticated approach to user authentication, enhancing the overall user experience and bolstering the platform's security posture.